Untitled (8). | Teen Ink

Untitled (8).

May 19, 2013
By ToWarmSands GOLD, Hickory, North Carolina
ToWarmSands GOLD, Hickory, North Carolina
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"But no matter how hard you try- surrounded by cannon fodder inundated with stagnant sound."

Can I ask you something?
Promise you won't laugh.
What's wrong with me?
Dammit, you said
You wouldn't laugh.
It's a serious question.
I'm surprised I even got to ask you.
You usually stop replying
After the first few messages.
I guess that is where my question comes from.
So, I'll rephrase it:
Why do you ignore me?
All right, are you just laughing
Because you're nervous?
I mean it.
I just want to know
Why it is
You'll reply to others
But not to me.
It's a simple question, I think.
Don't try to leave now,
I'm sick of being kept in the dark!
I'm tired of picking my brain,
Bleeding my heart,
Scrutinizing my reflection,
All in search of what it is
That drives you away.
All I want is a simple answer.
What do I have to do
In order to matter to you?
Is it because I'm not him?
Is it because I'm not your best friend?
I know I'm the best,
The funniest,
The cutest,
Or the most gifted;
But maybe if you'd give me a f***ing chance
We could be something.
And I could be something
Other than depressed.
Because I realized today
That I need you.
But more importantly
I need you
To need me.
Is it wrong
For me to want you as a friend?
Is it wrong
For me to be tired of the solitude?
Is it wrong
For me to be myself...?
Just give me a f***ing answer
And I promise I'll go away.
Just like you do
Every day.

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