The Lost Generation | Teen Ink

The Lost Generation

May 29, 2013
By AbsWhitlock10 SILVER, Louisa, Virginia
AbsWhitlock10 SILVER, Louisa, Virginia
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Persistence of individuality...My first view of life is as one vast symphony, and that in symphonies individuality is only lovable because it combines with other individualities."

-Arthur Percival Foley Rhys Davids DSO MC

Manicured green lawns, muddy shell-holes
Rows of white crosses, a helmet upon a bayonet
Beds of red poppies, deathbeds for the living
Forever the fields of the lost

A row of crosses for each row of names
The white stained with a shock of scarlet
One runs their fingers over the names, worn by time
Feeling the suffering of millions

Each day in time begins with a sunrise and ends with sunset
As one walks among the crosses row on row, the days replay
Seeing the simple words: A soldier of the Great War
It makes one wonder: What is a life worth?

The author's comments:
Inspired by a Birdsong Music Video.

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