Doodlehopper's Van | Teen Ink

Doodlehopper's Van

June 3, 2013
By RetroChick BRONZE, Yuba City, California
RetroChick BRONZE, Yuba City, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A dream is a wish your heart makes"

There once was a child
Her heart was born wild
The name was Arabella
Her mothers was Stella

Arabella never listened to her mother
Stella found her to be quite the bother
“ARABELLA close the door!” Stella yelled
“But mom I just sat down.” Arabella called

Everyday was something new
Arabella didn’t have a clue
That her actions could cause her trouble
She didn’t know the world outside her bubble

Stella was leaving on a business trip
If she left Arabella alone the house would flip
Upside down and Stella would have to fix it
But there was nothing she could do so why throw a fit?

Stella was gone and Arabella was left behind
She was bored out of her mind
Her mother told her not to leave
But she didn’t listen despite popular belief

She went to the park down the street
Walking with her own two feet
When she sees the park she sees something strange
A dark van was parked across the street for a change

The van sparked the curiosity in her
She saw something get out of the van covered in fur
She got to the swings and sat down
Arabella watched the creature walk with a frown

“What’s wrong?” She wondered
“Should I ask it?” She pondered
She got up and started walking towards the van
As she got closer she noticed this creature’s fur was tan

It had green eyes and a long nose
Where it came from who knows
She had never seen this kind of thing before
Not in her stories of folklore
“Are you ok?” she asked the creature
Without a word she looked into its eyes and felt horror
It stared at her with an evil grin
The creature blindfolded her opened the back of the van and threw her in

Arabella was scared and screamed
She hoped this was all a dream
The creature was driving away from the park
She felt the sky go dark as she was in the van

“What are you?” Arabella finally whispered
“They call me a doodlehoper”
“Where are you taking me?”
“Where kids who don’t listen to their parents should be”

Arabella felt the van starting to go faster
“What if I promise to do whatever she says? Will you take me home after?”
“That won’t make you learn your lesson”
“I’ll do whatever she says without question!”

After fighting with the doddlehoper for an hour
Arabella finally lost all power
She was going where ever it was taking her no matter what she said
She feels the van fall off of an edge, will she be dead?

She gasped for air as she awoke in her bed
The air was hot and her face was red
“It was just a dream.”
It felt too real it seemed

Arabella learned her lesson
Do what your parents say or you’ll have your session
With the doodlehoper’s van
Ask Arabellla you never want to meet that man

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