Train to Vermont | Teen Ink

Train to Vermont

June 22, 2013
By cheyenne5683 BRONZE, Cranbrook, Other
cheyenne5683 BRONZE, Cranbrook, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Failure doesn't show that you are weak, it shows that you were strong enough to try.

I once took a train,
A train to Vermont.
I closed my eyes,
And imagined.
I imagined what it would be like,
If I didn’t have to run,
If the memories of you didn’t stain,
Like makeup on a rainy day.
I would breathe heavily,
In and out, in and out,
Until I remembered where we started.
I hated you. I remember that.
I couldn’t stand your awkwardness,
Or your unusual views of the world.
I hated the amounts of energy you had,
Especially at eight-thirty on a Monday morning.
But everything changed.
I trusted you, I remember that much,
Because I swore I wouldn’t.
You opened your arms to me,
But not quite that literally.
You brought me to a different world,
Where I was allowed to be different,
And where no one compared me to what I wasn’t.
It was beautiful.
I once took a train,
A train to Vermont,
Chasing after you.

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