A Kindly Murder | Teen Ink

A Kindly Murder

July 3, 2013
By emkel BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
emkel BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I would love to take a peek from the outside of what it was like for her.
That fearful child felt so alone for so long, and I wish I was there for her.
I wish that I could take back the harsh words said to her.
I wish that I could give her tight embraces.
I wish that I could have made the pain go away,
But it is too late.
She will never breathe again.
Will never graduate high school,
Will never have her first heartbreak.
She will never know what life is like besides pain,
Will never understand how much everyone cared for her.
That girl is dead now.
And I killed her.
I ripped out her heart and dismantled her skull.
I destroyed myself so that I could be born anew.
And I have never been more grateful.

The author's comments:
We all have an aspiration to be better than we were ten minutes ago. This is inspired by the moment I figured that out.

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