This Is War. | Teen Ink

This Is War.

July 9, 2013
By JazBaker BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
JazBaker BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Six billion people. Just one name. I found tomorrow in today. Apocalyptic and insane. My dreams will never change." -Jared Leto 'Edge of the Earth'

War has been declared
Across all nations
We fight for our right
Our soldiers are stationed

Not just in Iraq or Iran
War has stationed in our homes
Peace is being pushed out
Will we ever be alone?

“Together we stand,”
They say
If so, then why are we no longer wearing the same uniform?
What are we fighting for anyway?

We see it,
And we see people in our way
We use violence to get them out
Here, they will no longer stay

We’ve got it all wrong, though
GOD placed them there to help us
We’re too cruel to realize
That their actions were just

You always hear people wonder,
“Why is life so hard and long?”
Did they ever stop and think that,
Maybe we’re doing it wrong?

The author's comments:
This piece isn't about trying to convince anyone of anything however it may seems. It's just about what is being observed by the youth of this generation from my own point of view. Inspired by the massacres all over the country.

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