Toxic | Teen Ink


July 11, 2013
By 1Sherri3696 BRONZE, Sydney, Other
1Sherri3696 BRONZE, Sydney, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life will never put you through more than you can handle." - Austin Carlile.
"You can be my compass. Teach me how to read these broken lines." - Mayday Parade.

Sometimes I wonder
What Fate had in mind for us
And why it suddenly changed

And sometimes I wonder
If maybe it was for the better
Or the worse

And other times
I thank that we were pulled apart
Because we were both toxic

Then, on some occasions,
I ask myself why we were even put together
Because what good did it bring?

We were poisonous to each other.
Lethal in the worst way possible.

The author's comments:
Just a little poem about something I went through

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