Just the Companion | Teen Ink

Just the Companion

July 13, 2013
By NobodysPerfect BRONZE, Ventnor, New Jersey
NobodysPerfect BRONZE, Ventnor, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There is no such thing as a fat girl, every girl is beautiful in her own way" ~Niall Horan

so there’s this girl.

shes beautiful


but she doesn’t believe it.

the scars on her wrist

don’t define her one bit

shes the strongest girl in the world.

her name is a secret

because most cant keep it

she flies through time and space

trying to keep pace with the world.

this girl i know,

her wrists are scared

her life is tough.

but one thing that keeps her sane.

is me,

her companion.

i’ll be there till the end.

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