Silvery Queen | Teen Ink

Silvery Queen

July 15, 2013
By DaynaMarie BRONZE, Baldivis, Other
DaynaMarie BRONZE, Baldivis, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's time to get yourself some gum boots.

He found himself alone that cold night,
sitting on the rock that contained all the heat of the day.
A silver lake rippled softly the reflection
of the glorious moon in her throne of diamond encrusted darkness.
She whispered to him but he didn't know how to listen.
She spoke to him and he nearly remembered.
She screamed to him and he turned away.

The author's comments:
I like the mystery of this piece. It leaves you questioning what had happened between them. Is the moon his stolen lover from ages past? Perhaps she's trapped up there, forever watching, forever calling out to him?

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