Sign Me Your Pleasure | Teen Ink

Sign Me Your Pleasure

July 15, 2013
By BowtieTori BRONZE, North Plainfield, New Jersey
BowtieTori BRONZE, North Plainfield, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am the Master of my fate; I am the Captain of my soul

Whisper to me
Thought I can’t hear
But I love the way
Your lips move
“I love you”
Trace our names in the sky
Sign me your pleasure
Blast the music
Feel the vibrations
Of the bass drop
Draw mindless creations
Tell me what you think
Let’s start our secret language
Sign me your pleasure
Have our hands flow smoothly
Based on our love for each other
Flaws and all
I need not an aid
To hear your voice, I can feel it
No speech therapist
Can teach me how to say
How much you mean to me
Let’s use our hands and
Sign me your pleasure

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