"Skin Deep" | Teen Ink

"Skin Deep"

July 30, 2013
By rchanique BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
rchanique BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I can either gain control/balance right now or lose myself in the process"

I was born to be a victim of society.
But fulfilled, I am the prophecy of Athena and her deities.
In many eyes,
my skin color contradicts my mentality.

It’s sad to see that pigment is still an intelligence barrier,
Cuz’ so many people died so that the human race can act better.
I get it though, some of us and by us I mean "US",
employ stereotypes that rape our lives away.
Having whites expect us to act in such ways.

Often thought of as dumb,
I open my mind and they see quality.
I compete at the highest levels in education,
giving them a run for their money.

Ready. Set. Race!
It's all about skin color.
I am the brown speck in classes full of the "others."

I strive to surpass them because I know my roots.
I know that this "free land" was created against my roots.
That AP classes were created as another form of racial segregation,
in hopes that whites would take first place
so that we'd never even race,
And… That in truth "we" are not minority.

We are told that for one sole purpose:
So that "we" will feel downgraded,
no belief in "our" quality.

I am dismantling this race,
and I'm taking my people with me.
Athena sent me to deliver you from the enemies.
Often under-estimated, but highly educated.
They think I'm simple but really I am complicated.

Layers of past souls that live within me.
So many influences, knowledge and goddesses to guide me.
I am the prophecy; the gateway to this analogy.
"We" are the destiny.
The fruits of life itself.
Can't you see?

The author's comments:
I was just so tired of the stereotypes of black kids. Yes, I am black, and I am just as educated as any white person. I love all colors, and ultimately, I just don't want to be treated inferior.

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