When I Die | Teen Ink

When I Die

July 31, 2013
By SweetAutumnBreeze BRONZE, Toronto, Other
SweetAutumnBreeze BRONZE, Toronto, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I die, I'd like to be buried

In jeans and a t-shirt, just like me,

No fancy dress, no eye make up,

No scents and glosses to doll me up,

A simple, poetic eulogy will do,

A few white roses and prayers, too.

When I die, my funeral should be

On a sunny day, perhaps after rain or sleet,

So I'll have a rainbow at my back,

A sky of colour, not gray or black,

A quote or two from my favourite authors,

And many more from the Holy Bible.

When I die, I'd like you to sit in my room,

And sing a song, perhaps your own favourite tune,

Strum the guitar and sing for me,

A cheerful song to set yourself free.

The author's comments:
Written for a friend.

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