Let go | Teen Ink

Let go

August 4, 2013
By Mahikaa SILVER, Jakarta, Other
Mahikaa SILVER, Jakarta, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I entered a world
Of which I knew nothing
But luckily, your hand was there
For me to grasp.

During my journey, I met
Many characters.
Those I liked, those I hated, and
Then, those I loved.
You, were one of them.

Watching over me
You told me which plot to dissolve myself in
And when I was led astray,
Like a detective with a red herring,
You caught me
And slowly carried me back to Chapter 1.

When I was unsure
Of the actions and thoughts portrayed
Around me,
You clarified.
You answered.
You told me why.

You always let me be the protagonist.
Let me be the hero.
In our victories, you let me be the light
And you the shadow

I was led by you
To have these new experiences
New adventures
I grew as a character
Finally finding home, in this new world.

I’ve reached the last chapter now.
And after this last squeeze of my hand to yours,

I’ve got to let go.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece for my father, whom with I share such a special bond which includes the love of literature. I tried blending this mutual love to explain our special bond through this poem.

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