A Burst | Teen Ink

A Burst

August 9, 2013
By ocaldwell53 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
ocaldwell53 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.<br /> John F. Kennedy

He said try, it tastes like the sea

The encrusted shell rests in crumbled ice

chilled and promising

It’s the surprise that creates our hesitation

while the shell sits like glass

Like the time we thought it was edible, clear and lustrous was convincing enough.

Slowly it rises and its un-pierced body tauntingly slides down its glassy slope

Once inside teeth break its delicate surface,
A moment of calm anticipation, until you are inundated by the sea

Every sense is persuasively maneuvered through its grasps

It would be a pleasant experience if drowning with a mouthful of sardines was too

The dejected mound of grey rests on the blue and white china
While the ivory linen cleans up the left over taste
And is placed discretely under the table.

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