Jocelyn | Teen Ink


August 11, 2013
By Khanadia3 GOLD, Chillicothe, Texas
Khanadia3 GOLD, Chillicothe, Texas
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

From sisters to friends,
To never-lasting ends.
Love of many kinds;
To conclude to beautiful sunshines.
Things change to new beginnings,
Yet, happiness finds its way
But don't worry,
Be happy with this beautiful day.

The author's comments:
Jocelyn and I were good friends for about 2 years. Unfortunately, we drifted apart because of differences and we just didn't know how to handle them or help each other. Things ended up pretty bad but we both made up in our own way to find peace in our hearts. Jocelyn, if you read this, please know that I believe that while we were friends, we were the perfect "cookies-n-cream." Our nicknames for ourselves and the world were Parfait and we learned things about ourselves that know one else could've cracked. I hope we never forget our beautiful moments together because it is because of those moments that took away wrinkles from our face and stopped those who even tried to get in our way. Thank you for everything, Joe.(Annie)

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