Fault | Teen Ink


September 6, 2013
By PurplePiano1124 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
PurplePiano1124 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My fault
It's my fault
I gave you my heart
I trusted you
I thought that maybe at some point I would love you
I was wrong
It's my fault
My fault
Your fault
It's your fault
I want it to be your fault
I want to hate you
But I can't
I want to blame you
But I don't
I blame me instead
I cared
I let you hold my heart
I let you hurt me
I did that
And that's my fault
It's my fault
My fault

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece to get out the feelings that I felt after I went through a bad situation. I blamed myself for a lot of things that happened even though it wasn't my fault and by writing this piece I was able to clear my head and think about what had happened. When people read this I want them to understand that sometimes you go through hard times and you blame yourself for a lot of things and that it's okay not to feel okay and sometimes even though it is their fault you don't want to blame someone else and that that's okay too.

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