The Letter Never Sent | Teen Ink

The Letter Never Sent

September 8, 2013
By janae456 BRONZE, Redford, Michigan
janae456 BRONZE, Redford, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I've got a folder full of rejection slips that I keep. Know why? Because those same editors are now calling my agent hoping I'll write a book or novella for them. Things change. A rejection slip today might mean a frantic call to your agent in six
MaryJanice Davidson

I spilled ink upon the
page I tried to write your name
quickly I ripped it out of the binded book
and flick it across the wax wooden floor
my hands stop as I try to
rewrite your name
how perfect I wanted the words to look
written across the lined paper
I wanted you to sense the
effect in every word
quickly I try once again
the words looked so slanted
as if I was writing in italic
oh how frustrating I became to get
one more try I told myself
once again I did
this time everything
looked so perfect
so right
I grab an envelope
to my love it was titled
I licked the seal and close it was
another letter I would never
send to you

The author's comments:
Sometimes people are too afraid to say exactly what they feel, this poem illustrates a girl who writes a letter to a boy who she really likes.

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