Footprints in the Scorching Sand | Teen Ink

Footprints in the Scorching Sand

September 23, 2013
By dancefever32 SILVER, Clinton Township, Michigan
dancefever32 SILVER, Clinton Township, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Washed away, like small footprints in the sand
Memories such as walking hand-in-hand
When the blue ocean waves crashed the tide
All of my feelings for you were tossed aside
Sailed across the unknown deep
A simple thought only mine to keep
Will be thrown carelessly
Into the murky sea
That thought isn’t astray
But will set as sun’s ray
Loving you was like the water’s clasp
Something I could never quite fully grasp
Every entirely risen moon
When it’s the opposite of noon
Is the time I’ll awake to the thought
Of all good recollections you brought
But for now, take care my dear
A storm is very possible here
Even though a rainbow may signal the end
Don’t forget about us, or pretend
Each footprint left to stay
Isn’t automatically washed away

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