'Friend' | Teen Ink


September 20, 2013
By deDcap SILVER, Valley Mills, Texas
deDcap SILVER, Valley Mills, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is too important to be taken seriously-Oscar Wilde

You think you know me, you think you're my friend
But when you learn of my life, our friendship will end
I've been through more than you can think,
you think I'm okay but I'm on the brink
Sanity evades me
Runs and ducks and hides
Insanity craves me
Like a druggie and his high
Learn of my past and you will all know
That in my years I've taken a blow
To body, mind, and spirit.
That's where I'm hurt.
Stop, be silent, and hear it.
I wear my pain like a shirt.
All you must do is pay attention and look.
If you do I'm read like an open book
If I tell you my past you will all judge
Your insults and taunts I've always dodged
When my story is over will you still care?
Probably not,
They never do when I share
Goodbye dear 'friend',
I will miss you so much
You should have stuck around
Your heart I wished to touch.

The author's comments:
So many people pretend to be your friend. yet when they know the real you they leave.

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