FamilyPoem | Teen Ink


September 20, 2013
By Colt45 BRONZE, Cogan Station, Pennsylvania
Colt45 BRONZE, Cogan Station, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Baking Brownies
I think of my family as baking brownies.
The pan,
My mom,
Holds us all together

My dad is the
Oven,warm and
Me and my siblings are the

Kurt, my brother
Batter, all kinds of goodness.

And the eggs, he makes
Us complete.
My cousin, like a sister, she is
The water, she keeps us from burning.

Jonthan, my brother and the
Oil, he is slippery and keeps us
On our toes.
My niece, Arlaina, she
Is the extra chocolate bites
And makes us smile with every bite.

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