Guilt | Teen Ink


September 21, 2013
By PandaPan SILVER, Homestead, Florida
PandaPan SILVER, Homestead, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

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People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Some people say "everything happens for a reason"... I dont believe that sentence because i still dont know the resons why bad things happen in this world. Worst part about it is Some people dont have the heart to confess about what they did wrong. They think an apology will fix everything but it won't. If you break someones heart they have to live with that pain. If you kill someone their family have to live with that pain. If you never said goodbye to someone before they pass you live with the pain of not saying goodbye and its so god damn hard to live with guilt. Some people could force the guilt away but soon or later it'll come to bite them in the a**... Be careful what you say and do... And if your guilty just confess or it'll eat you up inside...
Trust me

The author's comments:
Guilty pleasures are always the fatal attractions...

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