Forgiven And Saved | Teen Ink

Forgiven And Saved

October 11, 2013
By misunderstoodfighter SILVER, Portland, Oregon
misunderstoodfighter SILVER, Portland, Oregon
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
when you come to the end of your rope tie a knot and hold on

I was raised by anger and rage,
Always felt like an animal, trapped and caged.
A place where poetry was my only escape.
A nightmare that I never woke,
Filled with blood and smoke.
I was never free,
So I was never me.
Strapped down with invisible chains,
Like a creature who could never be tamed.
Running the streets,
Hopped up on those so called “treats.”
So lost but now I’m found,
Now I’m homeward bound.
Now that I see the real me,
This is what I believe to keep.
I’m following my destiny,
To be whom I was meant to be.
I’m walking home at a minimum pace,
Because I was forgiven and saved.

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