How can you choose to be happy? | Teen Ink

How can you choose to be happy?

October 24, 2013
By Shellz585 SILVER, Newark, New Jersey
Shellz585 SILVER, Newark, New Jersey
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Haley once said "you choose happiness it's a choice". I ask myself it's that statement true?. The world would change you inside sometimes stuff happen and it's out of your control. How can you choose happiness when life put bad things in front of you?. How can you choose happiness when the world is cold and you get touched by the evil things. When sometimes you can't choose whether or not bad things happen to you. You can't choose happiness I believe because happiness can be taken away from you when bad things happens around you but you can choose how you get through the rain and into the sun. I believe though that you can reach a better place in your life and eventually you will be happy but you just have to get through.

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