Purple Lollipop | Teen Ink

Purple Lollipop

October 30, 2013
By addy_x06 SILVER, Aurora, Illinois
addy_x06 SILVER, Aurora, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There was a purple lollipop on the ground
There was a royal purple lollipop on the ground
There was a royal purple sugar-free lollipop on the ground
There was a royal purple sugar-free lollipop missing its wrapper on the ground
There was a royal purple sugar-free lollipop missing its wrapper on the damp ground
There was a royal purple sugar-free lollipop missing its wrapper on the cold damp ground
There was a royal purple sugar-free lollipop with hairs on it missing its wrapper on the cold damp ground
There was a royal purple sugar-free lollipop with tiny blue hairs on it missing its wrapper on the cold damp ground
There was a royal purple sugar-free lollipop with tiny blue hairs on it missing its wrapper on the cold damp dirt covered ground
And I ate it.

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