Never | Teen Ink


November 1, 2013
By puremagic BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
puremagic BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you. <br /> ~Winnie The Pooh

I never stood for the proposition that was right
I never asserted that I was good
I never claimed that I was kind
I never intended to be true
I only defended you
I stood for you
Your love
Your kindness
Your goodness
Your truth
I did this because I loved you

But no more
I will not be cheated by the little green monster
Inside your pale blue eyes
I will not let fear envelop me
Nor let myself wither and die
I will not let myself grow old
With regrets and promises lost
Nor will I tell a soul I loved you
For that time has long since past

I’ve been waiting for a while now
For you to call me back
But I see it’s not happening
So I changed my route and track
My destination no longer involves
Your love nor your friendship
Instead I have those who love me
And the textbooks I rely upon so heavily

They neither talk nor yell
They never say
Mean things like you said to me that day
They have no green monster
Lying in the wait
To pounce and wound
When I have let down my protective plate

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem when I was studying for my exams after my friend and I had a little disagreement. That's why I talk about my textbooks (because I lost myself in my studies for the week).

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