I Know I’ve Lost You | Teen Ink

I Know I’ve Lost You

October 21, 2013
By juliette725 BRONZE, Hopewell, New Jersey
juliette725 BRONZE, Hopewell, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken."

You’re drifting away
Only a memory
Everyone around me is moving while I’m just standing still
The world wind of color and voices pours down like heavy rain
No one notices that a soul
My soul
No, my heart
Is being torn into one thousand pieces
They say that I’m too young to know heartbreak
I say “then what is this feeling inside my chest?”
What is ripping at my very being?
Tiny pieces of might-have-beens blow away
All that is left is disgust and an empty can
I don’t want to think
About the stars, the lights
That fateful night
On the hill
Where awkward silences set the mood
Where I heard you laughter and I wanted to cry
Because I mingled with her’s
The voice of the girl I don’t have a right to hate
Because I am the coward
And because I am too late.

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