This sadness wrecks the foundation | Teen Ink

This sadness wrecks the foundation

November 5, 2013
By WittyWannabe BRONZE, Bosque Farms, New Mexico
WittyWannabe BRONZE, Bosque Farms, New Mexico
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

This sadness wrecks the foundation I boast
Buttresses, battlements, beats of my soul
Lost to the cold, wintry clasp of calamity

An aching annunciation of guilt
Of which there is no reason
Yet, the pit remains

Believing that time’s advances
Though unwanted and despised
Would warrant reprieve

No, time incites the pain of the chest
Longer without, is no soothing gift
But a promise of solitary tears

The author's comments:
It's been said that times heals all, even the loss of a loved one. I guess I'm still waiting.

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