Let them be | Teen Ink

Let them be

November 4, 2013
By juliachase. GOLD, St.Helens, Oregon
juliachase. GOLD, St.Helens, Oregon
15 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Let them be as land,
Always solid, safe, secure, dependable,
but imprisoned by the endless tides.

I'd rather be a misunderstood ocean,
Lingering in the darkest depths, like
an abandoned child created by an unfit mother.

To have journeyed beyond any expectations,
to have swept up and carried away
To be pulled by the strengths of the moon,
controlling my life, leading my adventure,
into the exhilarating future or my haunting past.

I'd rather be alone, and if
then completely forgotten,
than to be always predictable land,
being held captive,
where freedom can never be achieved
by any fierce or tiresome efforts.

I'd rather try to harness endless energy
than to be unwillingly stripped of my resources.
If I could be independent, strong, and dignified,

I'd rather be a misunderstood ocean.

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