Fighting Men | Teen Ink

Fighting Men

November 3, 2013
By Sanjo BRONZE, Chesapeake, Virginia
Sanjo BRONZE, Chesapeake, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They stroll in,
Crisp uniforms,
Lockstep, in perfect unison.
Carrying their wooden burden.
Their backs are straight, their faces thin,
Before us stands
America's fighting men.

There they are in front of us
Each taller than a colossus.
Though they've lost a friend, they're
Looking braver than the Man of Steel
Stronger than than the Hulk.
And more patriotic
Than Cap himself
Eating an apple pie
At a baseball game
On the Fourth of July.
Yet just as human as you or I.
America's fighting men.

It's okay to cry, son.
I know it's hard when
Someone you love is one of the fallen
Of America's fighting men.

The author's comments:
Lately I've been feeling pretty patriotic, and since Veteran's Day is coming up next week I decided to write a little poem.

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