Hope in the Form of a Letter | Teen Ink

Hope in the Form of a Letter

November 9, 2013
By MarisaGonzalez SILVER, Wethersfield, Connecticut
MarisaGonzalez SILVER, Wethersfield, Connecticut
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
" You only fail when you stop writing." Ray Bradbury

The eerie atmosphere
Engulfs broken graves.
Death has left
This place long
His cloak, left
Draped over the

Moans once haunted
The shallow graves.
Now silence remains.
Lost souls roam
With no guidance.

A figure bursts
Through the darkness.
Flowing hair forms
Around her body
Like golden wings.

Steady footsteps reach
A tree, limbs reaching
For a savior.
A gentle hand
Caresses the rough

Light pours down,
Arms stretch out.
A letter, placed
Within the reaching

The figure leaves.
Light swallows the tree
It explodes.
Darkness shatters.
Souls smile.

They have been
Known, heard.

The author's comments:
This poem was inspired by a writer's workshop trip to the ancient burial grounds in Hartford. My class found a letter in a tree.

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