Women Be Women | Teen Ink

Women Be Women

December 17, 2013
By Anonymous

People these days are are fading a little in every way,
No longer are Women fond of there shape or there size,
They only care about what society has to say,
Yea I'm a B*tch, if you put bad in front i'm a five star team dark or light skin,
and Hollywood has washed them out in everything they say,
No longer are Women fond of there shape or there size,
But Rappers Talk about them in songs,
but in the future they wont be looking for you,
they will need a women who is strong,
So Ladies Where do we go from here on?
Where the new right is so wrong,
where we have to have our Daughters to know the difference between love and lust,
That it has to go to the point where men dont even know your last name,
and determaned You ARe NOTHING!
In order for you to know the difference between Love and Lust,
How far can we get,
Women are Choosing to be strippers instead of choosing to go to collage,
but they don't understand that's temporary no one can take away your knowledge,
So Ladies Be Women,
Not a tool used foe lust,
God has put you here with love,
and if you cant see what you have,
you are truly missing out, on the bless that has been given,
So Women Be Women

The author's comments:
This was written as an example of how people of the world,Women these days. That people are judged and assume. I wrote this out of feelings i had, it came from the heart.

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