Best Friend | Teen Ink

Best Friend

December 19, 2013
By LanyStone143 BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
LanyStone143 BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are so many things I wish I could say
But seeing your face,
My throat closes up and there's no air to breathe
I open my mouth,
But I just stand there with my mouth gaping wide
My head is pounding
With thousands of thoughts I wish that you could read
But you just stand there,
Staring at me with that confused and blank look
What is wrong with me?
Why can't I just tell you how I really feel?
I need to tell you
Because I feel like I just might explode now
But no words come out
Because you make my heart pound and my palms sweat
You make me crazy
With your little smirks and endless smart remarks
You make me so mad
With your infuriating teasing and jokes
But you make me laugh
When I hate the world and want to run away
You make me happy
On my worst day when I want to scream and cry
How can I tell you
All these things you make me feel with what you do?
How to make you see
That you are my everything, my thoughts, my life?
Finally I smile,
And muster up the courage to say the words
I say, "I love you"
You chuckle and say, "Of course, we are best friends,
And I love you too"
But I don't hear you,
I'm too busy listening to my heart break
I watch you walk up
To the pretty and skinny blonde haired girl
She is your girlfriend
You smile and bend down to kiss her on the lips
I hear you whisper,
"I love you gorgeous"
Into her ear and she smiles back up at you
My heart is broken
And you are oblivious just like before
But it is okay
Because you are happy and that's all I want
You look back at me
And smile warmly while waving goodbye
I take a deep breath
Then fake my best smile and wave back at you
I wait til you're gone
Before I let the tears fall so you won't see
I understand now,
I am always going to be the best friend

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