Because, I am crying | Teen Ink

Because, I am crying

January 6, 2014
By Kwats BRONZE, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Kwats BRONZE, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I cry because I'm throbbing,
I cry because I am so sore.
My sobs are heard by all,
no one listens while I bawl.

Frustrated, anticipated, agony flows,
I cry because I yearn.
I cry because I burn.

a slow sizzle,
popping and pussing.
A Violent thrashing.
Seizing in,

A numbness flows through me.
Down my elbows.
I cry because I'm faithful.
I cry because I try.

The author's comments:
After reading one of my (now) favorite novels, I was so moved by the intensity of the feelings the character felt after losing a loved one.

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