The Lost soul of A lover | Teen Ink

The Lost soul of A lover

January 7, 2014
By JonathanEpiscopo BRONZE, Tuckerton, New Jersey
JonathanEpiscopo BRONZE, Tuckerton, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You can tune a piano, but you can't tune a tuna"

Love, oh love
how sweet you truly are
You are a crazy thing
Oh, how you make me do such foolish things
Love, oh Love
How sweet, sweet, you truly are
You blind my sight
Pollute my mind
You make me oh so crazy
Love, oh Love
How you are, truly sweet
You come and go
Like the rise and fall of the ocean spray
Make me do such childish things
Cause me to loose sight of time
Fall into a deep pit, of endless frenzy
And all for a sense of fullness
That fullness that will never come

Love, oh love
How Sweet you truly are
you have No true Shape
You are so mysterious
You bounce around a lot
You are anything, and anyone
I see you in my lovers eyes
Oh the passions that we share
Love oh Love
How sweet you are
You are my dear
You are so kind
You never leave my side
My lover, oh how she loved me so
She was struck
With your passion
We shared the love
We had that fervent look

We laughed together
Cried together
Love, oh, my, my, Love

How you truly are sweet
But one day
Oh yes, one dreadful day
My lover
Oh yes, my lover
Was swept away from me
Yes, Sweet, Sweet, Love
Oh, how you were not so sweet anymore

I wandered the earth,
My mind filled with a lulling sadness
Love, oh Love
Yes, how you truly blind sided me
And now, I walk the cobble stone paths
Waiting, oh yes waiting

To one day,
See my lover, just one more time

The author's comments:
Love is a difficult emotion, especially for teens like myself who find themselves in countless relationships. I want my readers to realize that Love, comes and goes, and that one day, you will find your true soul mate, and everything will go your way!

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