Triangle | Teen Ink


January 18, 2014
By BabyJudy16 BRONZE, Collingswood, New Jersey
BabyJudy16 BRONZE, Collingswood, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself; because an original is worth more than a copy.

I wont say it was love at first sight, because it was actually the opposite
But time passed and I unexpectedly fell for him
Our names fit perfectly together
And I got attatched, but I'm slowly learning there's no such thing as forever
He made me feel like I was special, like I belonged
And I tried to hold on to him, so that feeling wouldn't be gone
He said he loved me and I really felt like he meant it
The way he looked at me, I could tell that he felt it
And see, she called herself my best friend but she was sitting on a secret
A secret she should have told me but instead decided to keep it
And he was in on her secret because he had one of his own
They'd soon be together ans I'd become unknown
She wanted him and he wanted her while I wanted him and thought he wanted me
Where there should have been two, now there was three
Just like a triangle, the three of us connected
Though we knew it wouldn't work, that relationships would somehow be affected
But now the triangle's broken
Its back to two because a girl was chosen
He made a choice and his choice wasn't me
I thought I knew the outcome but things turned out so differently
But everything happens for a reason, even if I don't know what that reason is
So I'm happy with the outcome, I know there's a reason I'm not his

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