15 Things I Learned Before I Turned 15 | Teen Ink

15 Things I Learned Before I Turned 15

January 9, 2014
By starcalf BRONZE, Clarksville, Tennessee
starcalf BRONZE, Clarksville, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

1. Stuffed animals are always your friends. Keep all your childhood ones to make you feel safe in the dark. Also keep them in handy while babysitting kids. Especially the big bunny.

2. Never ask the girls in the hospital what the marks on their arms mean. They will open your mind to dark things.

3. Just because that boy calls you baby and tells you he loves you doesn’t mean he does. Do not give that boy all of your control. Always remember who you are.

4. Don’t take control of anybody else. Having a little control is good. Having too much is scary.

5. Just because you’re angry doesn’t mean you should throw whatever is in your grasp. You will break it and you will always regret it. Always.

6.Wearing all black is not bad. Wearing all pink is not bad. Wearing too short skirts or too tight shirts is not bad. Let them catcall. Let them mock. Let them say whatever they want but do not let them tear you down. Wear what you want.

7. Always keep plenty of hot chocolate handy. Even during the summer.

8. Appreciate the earth. Tend to it and pick up waste. Appreciate what you will someday be a part of.

9. Be assertive. Always make clear what you want or do not want. Say what you mean to say. If you are not assertive, people will have more control over you. Keep your control.

10. Write. Write a little every day. Write about what makes you happy. Write about what makes you sad. Write to your friends. Write to your family. Write to the deceased. Write to yourself. Write to keep yourself pure. Write. Always write.

11. Friends do not have to be in your town and see you every day to be friends. It is okay to have friends in distant places. Friends are friends.

12. Never forget your roots. Be down to earth. Remember where you came from and always remember what experiences made you who you are. Stay true to yourself.

13. Emptying your stomach will not make you beautiful. It will not make flowers grow in your ribcage. Emptying yourself empties your happiness. Eat. Eat for yourself. Eat.

14. Do not try to force people to stay in your life who have left. They have left their mark, do not try to erase it. If you try to keep someone in your life after they have served their purpose, you ruin that purpose. Live and learn and let go.
Life is a scary thing. Stepping outside of your comfort zone is necessary. Things will tear you down and others will bring you back up. Breathe.
15. It’s okay. It’s okay to live. Live. Live for yourself. Make the most of it.

The author's comments:
I saw a lot of posts similar to this, everybody has been doing spinoffs of it and I wanted to write my own.

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