My Secret Place | Teen Ink

My Secret Place

January 21, 2014
By Alexk_lavilla BRONZE, Jacksonville Beach, Florida
Alexk_lavilla BRONZE, Jacksonville Beach, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Just because you dont have a prince, doesnt mean your not a princess.

Walking through the garden,
The garden of wonders
Admiring the flowers
They watch as we ponder
The amazingly beautiful sight
Stands tall with pride
Waiting to shine, on the darkest of nights
Their colors stand out
Waiting to be seen
Pink, red, yellow
And what do you know? Green
Their smiles are shy, but widen as they go
They sing their bright song
Their voice, a faint glow
Watching almost waiting
For the midst of spring to come
Walking through the garden
With the slightest of hums

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem as i was sitting in my backyard.

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