Jelly Belly's and Friends | Teen Ink

Jelly Belly's and Friends

January 21, 2014
By gymnast5 BRONZE, Viroqua, Wisconsin
gymnast5 BRONZE, Viroqua, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Whenever I think of my friends
many things come to mind
how each of us are different
and yet we all get along

Something that comes to my mind
and stands out are
Jelly-Belly jelly beans
like Jelly beans we are
all different but as a whole
we are great together

A friend that is always there
is compared to the flavor
sizzling cinnamon
because the flavor sticks with me
just like a good friend

A friend that is
different but
gets along with everyone
can be compared to the
Toasted Marshmallow flavor
because they are different,
warm and sweet

The friend that
is fun and energetic
can be compared to
the flavor Pina Colada
which gives everything
a pop of flavor

In every group there
is always that friend
who gossips and spreads rumors
this reminds me of the flavor
bubblegum because when you chew
bubblegum your mouth is always moving

The friend that is sweet
and is always there
can be compared
to the flavor
Strawberry cheesecake
which is smooth and sweet
to the tasetebuds

Here is always that friend
who is there for you when
its convenient for her and
isn’t there when you
really need her this can be
compared to the flavor watermelon
because like the flavor she never sticks around

Like my friends
we are much like
a big bag of Jelly-Bellys
all different but at the
end of the day we all
fit perfectly together
like a puzzle.

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