I Am The Simple Things | Teen Ink

I Am The Simple Things

January 21, 2014
By Sarah222 BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
Sarah222 BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am who I am
and I am the simple things

I am sundresses
and curly hair,
lipstick stains
always painted nails
and sweet smelling perfume
I am dressing up with nowhere to go

I am the simple things

I am long bike rides
I am walks on the beach
and tanning until the sun goes down
I am sunrises and sunsets
I am walking on warm grass
smelling the flowers

I am the simple things

I am big family parties
I am church every Sunday
I am family dinners every night,
spent talking about our day

I am the simple things

I am warm apple pie
with vanilla ice cream
I am ham and cheese sandwiches
I am Starbucks coffee
and warm chocolate chip cookies

I am the simple things

I am flowers blooming in the Spring
I am days spent at the beach in Summer
I am sweaters and carnival rides in the Fall
I am hot chocolate with exactly three marshmallows
in the Winter

I am the simple things

I am movie nights with my best friends
I am late night phone calls
and I am laughing until my stomach hurts

I am the simple things

I am experiencing new things
I am people watching
I am sleeping in late
I am country music
I am the moments captured in photographs
I am wishing on dandelions, 11:11,
and birthday candles

I am the simple things

I am a hopeless romantic
writing long love letters,
and reading a good book
I am doodling
and water color paintings
I am the poetry I write

I am who I am
and I am the simple things

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