Rainy Day | Teen Ink

Rainy Day

January 14, 2014
By lalema SILVER, Muskegon, Michigan
lalema SILVER, Muskegon, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I glance outside at the rainy atmosphere

Rain drops dive into the grass
Like a hawk that has been stalking its prey
Leaves droop and branches sopping
Worms rise upon the surface

Day dream mode sinks in
My surroundings become unknown
My thoughts develop deeply
The mind racing turns into an inevitable journey

Without my control
My entire life is existent
The excellent and the awful

The disquieting and the comforting

Tornados of leaves circulate around nearby
American flags swaying in the wind
The constant harmony of water tapping on the roof
The striking of thunder brings me back to reality

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