Rising | Teen Ink


January 24, 2014
By MzCoffey BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
MzCoffey BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Rhymes tell a story;
Stories come in rhymes.
It’s me, KK,
And I’m back on my grind.
It’s been years of tear,
Then it’s been months of fun.
Oh how this generation,
Keeps me on the run.
I’m not a queen or a princess;
No I don’t even front.
But everywhere I go,
They say KK is what you want.
I be cool, very basic whenever I’m in a crowd,
That’s why I’m keep tryna’ figure why hey sayin’ I’m loud.
I think that I be actually in a video, man,
With Beyonce on my remix “say my name, say my name”.
Could it be that I’m starstruck?
Tryna’ head for the top?
Or maybe I’m determined and I just won’t stop.
Round the way I’m good money.
I’m like a safe in a bank,
And I don’t think about nothin’ but puttin’ gas in my tank.
That’s right I need cash,
I want some green on my lawn.
So I’m a grow some more seeds,
So they can grow before dawn.
I step back from the madness,
Take a seat, then I think,
What was I roller skatin’?
Where’s the roller skating rink?
Ha Ha Ha, caught me laughin’,
But it ain’t funny no more,
Cause I’m a lion but don’t be tryin’,
To let you cats hear me roar.
I’m done playin’ with the puzzles,
And the rest of these games.
Be for real; that’s what I’m sayin’.
Don’t want to say it again.
If I got to make it simple,
Then Jack sure was nimble.
And Humptey Dumptey fell down,
Now look at me now.

The author's comments:
Im a Female rapper/songwriter and this poem is one of a kind just like me!

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