Falling Asleep infront of the TV | Teen Ink

Falling Asleep infront of the TV

January 28, 2014
By Dana.D SILVER, Mississauga, Other
Dana.D SILVER, Mississauga, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a dark stormy night
I was staying over at my Grandma's old farm
Her place is isolated from the city, which causes me fright
But there should be no reason for me to be in alarm

Or should there be?
As I am watching TV, the electricity shuts down
In fear, I spill the mug of green tea
I start to feel suspicious, as I look around

There is nothing to worry about
This is a routine black out
I should just go to sleep
There is no reason for me to weep

As the thought came to my mind
I hear the sound of a crying child
It seemed to be coming from the basement
Is someone trying to scare me for their entertainment?

I ignored the cries
And paid attention to my breathing
I closed my eyes

But the baby wouldn't stop
This went on for hours
Adding to that, the noise of the tap in the kitchen
Being turned on and off arises
on and off
on and off
I couldn't take it
I started to call out
"Who's there?"

As if anyone was going to answer

Then I heard a screeching noise
Along the window
I looked straight at the source of the screeching
There was a bloody hands, with long nails
It broke a portion of the window
The person retreats their hands

The person bends down, and stares through the broken window
He starts to gag loudly
I start to see shadows in the hallway
A woman in a bloody wedding dress
Carrying a dead baby in her hands walks in
The Closet's knob starts to turn
As another man walks in
Then a face pops out from under the bed
Bald, ugly and bloody
The man outside jumps through the window
He breaks the glass
The woman in the wedding dress
Throws the dead baby at my face with great power
I hear them laugh hysterically
The woman picks the baby up
And throws it yet again
Right in the middle of my face

I wake up in fear
My brother and sister had been throwing pillows at me
While I slept on the couch, watching TV
I hate when this happens to me

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