Freethrow Knockdown | Teen Ink

Freethrow Knockdown

February 5, 2014
By akskaggs15 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
akskaggs15 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She approached the line, remembering to put her foot at the screw.
The referee walked up the middle of the key, which was purple.
Their school colors were gold and purple.
She thought to herself, “Having those colors would be awful,”
As she stared at their uniforms.
The ball was bouncing towards her,
But she caught it before it hit her in the gut.
She guess he thought she was ready to shoot.
She glanced at the scoreboard again.
32 to 32, 7.9 seconds left in the fourth quarter.
She felt a drop of sweat drip down the back of her neck.
She looked at the basket as the rim spoke to her.
“Right in here, Ashley!”
She brought her other foot forward, and dribbled the ball twice,
Her routine for every free throw she takes.
She positioned the ball in her hand,
Making a T with her two thumbs,
As she learned in the second grade.
She bent her knees slightly, and released the ball from her right hand.
It flew like superman through the air, and out of the corner of her eye,
She saw the 6 other players on the sides of the key
Watching the ball fly towards the basket.
It hit the right inside part of the rim,
Then bounced to the left side.
Then, in it went.
She watched it fall through the net,
And the other teams’ guard took the ball out of bounds.
She ran back into the other key to play defense,
As their point guard viciously dribbled the ball down the floor like a vicious buffalo dashing for its prey.
The buzzer sounded, and everyone jumped on top of her.
She had done it, she won the game for her team.
She smiled, and shook the other teams’ hands.

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