The Dangers of the night | Teen Ink

The Dangers of the night

February 18, 2014
By brendanmott SILVER, Destrehan, Louisiana
brendanmott SILVER, Destrehan, Louisiana
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Darkness falls
Grotesque creatures emerge
Darkness falls
Humans seeking secret shelter
To await the fall of the moon
Humans seeking secret shelter
To await the jump of the sun
Humans seeking secret shelter
To avoid the feeling of teeth on your flesh
Oh the dangers of the night

Darkness falls
Humans getting eaten by zombies
Humans getting poisoned by spiders
Humans getting shot by skeletons
Oh the dangers of the night

Lightness falls
Monsters die from the glistening sun
Lightness falls
Survivors are relived
Lightness falls
The dangers of the night are over.

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