One in a Million Chance | Teen Ink

One in a Million Chance

February 20, 2014
By Katy1018 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Katy1018 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I have never had a six pack nor will I ever so I'll just stuff my face - Ed Sheeran

All she can feel is her heart beating a million times a minute.
Minutes have passed by but no one comes in.
Into the room of a broken girl trying to heal.
Healing from the sickness that almost killed her
Her father is angry when the results came back
Back to square one
One tear falls from her cheeks
Cheeks rub against her mother's
Mother who wants to take away this pain
Pain that runs through her daughter's body
Body that's failing her slowly
Slowly drowning is what the doctors say
Say it again she asks
Asks for a sign that she will survive
Survive her friends tell her, crying as they leave
Leave they tell her parents, wanting a moment
Moment of silence before she breaks down
Down into the pits of no hope
Hope has left her, she doesn't want to fight
Fighter they tell her parents when it is done
Done was never the right word for how she feels
Feels like the whole world is passing her by
By herself she wakes up, dazed and confused
Confused because she just wants this to be over

The author's comments:
I wrote this about when I got pneumonia when I was 12 and had to be hospitalized for an entire month. I wrote this as a reflection of that time there.

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