Friend or Foe? | Teen Ink

Friend or Foe?

February 21, 2014
By Makichan SILVER, São Paulo, Other
Makichan SILVER, São Paulo, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The last drop of rain,
The last drop of sun,
You dried them both,
With your shaggy rough cloth,
Too old for use.

To dry my last drops of sweat,
Sweep the thunderstorms away from me,
Is of no importance.

In the golden fields,
We were once side by side.
When thunder struct,
You were gone.

You leave me hanging from a cliff,
In the solitude of an island,
But it is of no importance to save me,
To spare me.

But when the floodwaters rise,
And you call for a hand,
I’ll ask of you:
Friend or foe?

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