Opposite of a Spitting Image | Teen Ink

Opposite of a Spitting Image

March 5, 2014
By Jacob38 BRONZE, Manteca, California
Jacob38 BRONZE, Manteca, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I push my body past its limits
I endure pain
I tell myself to envision the end
I strengthen my will
I lower my weakness
I heighten my skill
I eliminate fear

You stop me at every corner
You see success every blue moon
You wither the sound-minded
You grow weak in my shadow
You become less in comparison
You grow in embarrassment
You cause pain

I surpass you
You learn from I
Twice the man you ever were
Wiser than you could ever become in a 100 lifetimes
Nothing you have done has prepared me
Everything you did is not repeated by me
All but one thing

A goal, an image, a warning, if anything.
You taught me what not to be
So I grow successful in every way, shape, or form

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