What I Once Saw | Teen Ink

What I Once Saw

March 2, 2014
By Mycayla_West BRONZE, Oceanside, California
Mycayla_West BRONZE, Oceanside, California
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat" Edgar Allen Poe

I see life in a cool breeze, the way you imagine in a dream. Once the breeze is gone you are left with the heat. The heat of hell and uncomforting. You hear the beauty of the flowers voices. You can feel them in a dream. Once the flowers are gone, all that's left is the dirt and the screams. I taste the innocents of a new life. The way you wish in the darkest hour. Once corruption begins, the innocents is wiped away, and gone forever. What I see in this world was full of promise, now what I once saw, is blown away in the wind. The love cannot be mended and the pain is full, but we can try it again.

The author's comments:

Let beauty rise from the ashes of the burning trees 

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This article has 1 comment.

HammadWaseem said...
on Mar. 10 2014 at 11:54 pm
HammadWaseem, Lahore, Other
0 articles 5 photos 283 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be proud of who you are.<br /> -Eminem<br /> <br /> You can&#039;t see me<br /> -John Cena<br /> <br /> Ooh, somebody stop me!<br /> -Mask

Awesome!!! Good job!