"Beautiful Scars" | Teen Ink

"Beautiful Scars"

March 11, 2014
By Olivia72310 SILVER, El Dorado, Kansas
Olivia72310 SILVER, El Dorado, Kansas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A painter paints his pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. We provide the music and you provide the silence." - Leopold Stockowski

The life I lead, has always taken to
A fairly consistent pattern.
I stumble upon a gift from God
While in no great amount of time,
It is harshly torn from my life.

I fear not its absence from my presence.
But rather the scar it leaves behind.
The wound carries memories and happiness
That I know shall never have life again.
They all float away like a child falling into a dream.

So I protect my new blessing
As if it were the most valuable of treasures.
The friendship that might grow into more with time,
Has gracefully kindled between the two of us.
He is entering my life as a warm, bright light, never to burn out.

He tells me things my ears have not heard before,
His loving and sincere words make me feel as if
I can’t pull my head from the clouds.
He was the missing and now found, vital medium -
That completes the beautiful painting of life.

But alas, I should have known better,
As our time seems to be wearing thin.
An evil and lethal sickness of the brain
Could soon steal him away from me.
Only to leave a memory, a scar on my weakened heart.

The author's comments:
My good friend Shaun was just diagnosed with terminal brain cancer and I decided to write a poem divulging my true emotions. I love him very much and I'm not sure what I will do if he were to leave my life. If I had to choose anyone to be with right now, it would be him.

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