How to Save a Life | Teen Ink

How to Save a Life

March 11, 2014
By Michael Chemello BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
Michael Chemello BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are all waiting with baited breath to see what has happened.
The couple looks on with tears in their eyes at the thought of such a terrible fate.
The children continue to play in the sand, too innocent to understand.
They are all praying that it won’t happen.

Peering down through the clouds, He watches and apologizes. He has to take him.
No one wants to see what is to come.
“Oh my god, they have something…” says the woman who instantly looks down and weeps.
“No…,” they all mumble under their breath, “it can’t happen. Not him. Not now.”

The men sprint into the water, their hearts beating out of their chests with fear.
They get to him, pull him out and aggressively attempt to save him.
The bystanders start to believe there is hope.
Saddened, He apologizes again under his breath and takes him home.
He is gone and all that’s left are tears and silence.

The author's comments:
This was a poem written about a drowning I witnessed two summers ago.

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